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4. Add product catalogUpdated 9 months ago

Create a product catalog with Teleport  


For businesses with standardized shipping parcels, you can create a product catalog with Teleport ahead of time to further speed up future order creation processes.  



1. Navigate to your organization dashboard by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting your organization. Dashboard.gif


2. Select PRODUCTS Products.gif


3. In the pop-up window, fill up all mandatory fields and click SAVE



  1. Maximum parcel dimensions: L+W+H < 150cm, Longest Side <100cm.
  2. Maximum parcel weight is 30kg.
  3. Leave the COD currency and value blank. COD services are currently not available.
  4. Customer reference 1 & 2 are not applicable.
  5. Set Status as Published.


Congratulations! You've successfully adding your product catalogue

What's Next?

You're all set! Let's jump right into creating your first order with Teleport.


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