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6. Creating Bulk OrdersUpdated 8 months ago

Create orders in bulk with Teleport!


1. To create a new order, click the Create order dropdown menu and select your organization Create_Order.gif


2. Navigate to the Create bulk order tab Create_Bulk.gif


3. Ensure that the Generate order documents is toggled ON then click NEXT Split_into_multiple_files.png


  1. Kindly ensure that this setting is toggled ON for the system to generate the required consignment note.
  2. Split into multiple files is on required if trying to create over 5,000 orders in a single file.


4. Click SELECT FROM ADDRESS BOOK Select_from_Address_Book.gif


5. SELECT your pre-created pick up location and click NEXTSelect_Address.gif


6. Select your preferred pickup date and click NEXT Choose_pickup_date_and_time.gif


  • Orders will be collected between 9am - 5pm daily on the selected preferred date.
  • Order cutoff time is 11:59pm daily. Any orders placed after the cutoff time will only be picked up the following day.


7. Lastly, select Payment Plan and click PAY



  • Payment plan option will only be available after you've purchased a plan.
  • Postpaid is only open for users with over 300 orders/month.
  • Prepaid payment method is not available for bulk orders.


8. Click Browse, select your bulk upload csv file and click the CONFIRM & SUBMIT button



Here are the required info to be included in your bulk upload csv file:

destination_name*Recipient Name
destination_email*Recipient Email
destination_tel*Recipient Mobile Number
(Format: [country code][number])
destination_address*Recipient Address
destination_country_id*MY or SG
quantity*No. of item
length*in cm (Do not include the unit of measurement)
width*in cm (Do not include the unit of measurement)
height*in cm (Do not include the unit of measurement)
weight*in kg (Do not include the unit of measurement)
commodity_value*item price
package_type_slug*box or envelope

customer_reference_1optional and will appear on consignment note
delivery_instructionoptional and will appear on consignment note
order_item_customer_reference_1*Item description (provide an item description (brand + item + volume[e.g. 50ml]) of the shipped items)
is_delivered_dutyleave blank
delivered_duty_currency_idleave blank
delivered_duty_amountleave blank
is_mpcleave blank
order_item_customer_tracking_numberleave blank
destination_geoleave blank
console_tag_numberleave blank
air_waybill_numberleave blank
product_skuleave blank

* Indicates mandatory fields


9. Once your order creation is completed, you'll receive an summary email for the order via [email protected]



10. The order page will also be loaded with all the consignment notes. Simply click CONSIGNMENT NOTE > Print all consignment note



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